Help your child sleep great for naps & nights!

For tired parents of babies aged 4-24 months!

What's included:

Everything you need to help your little one become an amazing, independent sleeper in 1-2 weeks (or less)!

  • How to set up their bedroom (or yours, if you're room-sharing!) to maximize sleep duration!

  • WHEN and HOW MUCH you should feed your baby during the day (and night, if needed!) to help them sleep long stretches!

  • Ways to maximize the NATURAL production of sleep-promoting hormones!

  • How to determine the Ideal Daily Schedule (IDS) for YOUR child!

  • Methods for extending naps so you can have some much-deserved "me" time!

  • Ways to successfully drop night feeds (IF you want to!) for breastfed OR formula-fed babies!

  • How to respond to your baby when they wake up in the middle of the night (without using CIO)!

  • Ways to teach your baby to sleep independently using responsive, evidence-based methods!

  • Step-by-step directions on exactly how to help your child become an amazing sleeper, starting with Day 1!

  • ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION to my private group coaching community, "The Sleep Sisterhood," to ask questions & get answers DAILY as you pursue your sleep goals!

Bonus material

Extra tips and tricks to help you through all the bumps in the road! ($117 value!)

  • Troubleshooting Early Morning Wake-ups!

    $29 value

    This BONUS VIDEO and checklist will walk you through all the known and lesser-known reasons for early wake-ups, and how to fix them ASAP!

  • Overcoming Common Sleep Disruptions!

    $49 value

    Worried about how teething, illness, travel, starting daycare, getting a new sibling, or new milestones might derail sleep? This BONUS MODULE will calm your nerves and explain how to ensure great sleep continues for EACH ONE of these circumstances!

  • Nap Transition Guide! PLUS sample schedules!

    $39 value

    Wondering WHEN and HOW to help your little one drop a nap? Curious when they should wake, eat, nap, and sleep? In this BONUS MINI MODULE, I'll break down exactly what's needed to transition naps, and provide example schedules to help properly structure their day!

Meet The Dream Queen

(Your course instructor!)

Bethany Barba, M.Ed.

Lead Sleep Consultant

Hi! I'm Bethany! I'm a former high school Biology teacher, a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant, and mom of three! I became a sleep consultant after experiencing the incredible gift of sleep coaching with my first baby. A local consultant helped me teach him to sleep through the night in just a matter of DAYS, and I got my life back. So I set out to provide the gift of sleep to tired parents around the world and became certified myself! In the last nearly 2 years as a sleep coach, I've helped hundreds of families reclaim their rest and help parents and kids alike get GREAT sleep! I can't wait for you to join them!

Want to try out the class before you commit?

Sign up below for a FREE course module!

Thank You


  • Do your methods involve crying?

    This is the top question I get in regards to sleep training... I always explain to worried parents that we try to minimize crying at all costs! The techniques I use are made with this goal in mind. However, there is no way to have a true "no cry" method, because crying is the way babies communicate! We are going to make some changes in their routines and systems that will be confusing for them. So to convey their confusion, they may cry! But does this class promote leaving your baby alone in their crib for hours while they cry? Absolutely not! I also believe that the "methods" portion of sleep improvement is the LAST step, so you will make adjustments beforehand to improve sleep without doing any kind of real "sleep training!" Some babies actually don't even need sleep training to sleep through the night and take great naps! But if they do, we'll have filled in all the holes of their sleep foundation to minimize the length and intensity of any confusion crying. Remember, I'm a mom of 3 myself! I wouldn't ask you to put your child through anything I wouldn't feel comfortable doing with my own kids. And I never did "cry it out" with any of them! :)

  • What do you consider "sleeping through the night?"

    Technically "sleeping through the night" is when a baby sleeps for 6 consecutive hours. Your definition may be different and you may be hoping for a longer stretch of sleep, which is understandable! But your baby might not be quite ready to go the entire night just yet. I will help you teach your child to sleep an age-appropriate length of time. See the next FAQ for more info on those numbers!

  • How long of a stretch will my baby sleep?

    Many newborns up through 12 weeks of age wake and eat every 2-3 hours. But by laying a strong sleep foundation as a newborn, many will also start sleeping 4-6 hour stretches between months 1-3. Usually, the longest stretch occurs at the beginning of the night, and then they wake every 2-3 hours after that. Babies 4-6 months of age, especially breastfed babies, often still need one night feed. This may be a dream feed at 11pm or an early morning feed around 4am. But usually these infants can easily achieve a 6-7 hour stretch of sleep and technically "sleep through the night!" Babies 6-12 months of age can work up to a 10-12 hour stretch of consecutive sleep, with the length increasing as they approach age 1. By 9 months we aim for about 11 hours of overnight sleep without a feed or wake-up. My class will teach you how to achieve these age-appropriate sleep milestones in 1-2 weeks or less!

  • I'm exclusively breastfeeding. Will this work for me and my baby?

    Absolutely! Breastfeeding babies can learn to sleep just as well as formula-fed babies! You won't be asked to cut out any feeding sessions you aren't ready for. I exclusively breastfed my 2 oldest kids past a year (and I'm currently EBF my 3rd!) and love helping parents navigate sleep while still supporting the breastfeeding relationship.

  • My child is/was a preemie. Should I take this class?

    This class is meant for babies with an ADJUSTED age of 4-24 months who have been given the "ok" from the doctor to sleep long stretches overnight without a feed. If your child meets those requirements, then YES this class is for you! If your child is younger than 4 months or still needs to eat every 2-3 hours for health reasons, you won't be able to reach the "sleep through the night" goal quite yet. However, there is still SO much you can learn from this class so baby can quickly sleep through the night once given the "ok!"

  • Will this actually work?

    If your child is... healthy (teething and mild eczema ok!), in the 4-24 month range (adjusted age), has been given the "ok" from the pediatrician to drop night feeds (either drop them completely or drop down to just one, etc.), you follow my methods consistently for two weeks, AND you reach out via the INCLUDED sleep membership ("The Sleep Sisterhood") with any questions or concerns along the way, then YES it will absolutely work!

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Course Curriculum Sneak Peak!

    1. Welcome to Baby Sleep School!

    2. Introduction: The Good Sleep Groundwork

    1. Layer/Leg 1: Space

    2. Layer/Leg 2: Body

    3. Layer/Leg #3: Mind

    4. Layer/Leg #4: Structure

    1. How to Schedule for Naptime

    2. How to Fix Short Naps

    1. Which method is right for my child?

    2. Pick Up/Put Down Method

    3. Association Fading Method

    4. Bedtime Fading Method

    5. Chair Method

    1. How to Use (Start here!)

    2. Sleep Training for 4-5 Month Olds

    3. Sleep Training for 6-8 Month Olds

    4. Sleep Training for 9-12 Month Olds

    5. Sleep Training for 13-17 Month Olds

    6. Sleep Training for 18-24 Month Olds

    1. Troubleshooting Early Morning Wake-Ups!

    2. Overcoming Common Sleep Disruptions!

    3. Nap Transition Guide & Sample Schedules!

Baby Sleep School (ages 4-17 months)

  • Free
  • 22 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content